Things you need to keep in mind before you install a Fire door exit?
Fire door exit has been one of mankind very useful invention, although fire has also been one of reasons of death, destruction and injury in the millennia since fire-making was first developed. Mankind, being alarmed by the harm possessed by flames and smoke, invented new methods of stopping unintentional fire accidents from spreading and creating massive killings of life and material, thus minimizing its destructive capacity of mankind and his existence. Fire doors installation in hospitals, government, buildings, schools, museums, old homes, theatres, public complexes, sports arenas and many even private homes decreases accidents caused by fires. Moreover Fire doors exits prevent a fire accident turning into full-blown conflagrations, blocking the passage of smoke exit and allows public to come out of the building. The Functioning Of a Fire Door Exit Fire exit doors are framed to help people as well as smoke and flames to pass out. When they are fleeing for l...